1/2 cup salted butter softened

Zest of 1 lime.

Zest of 1 lemon

Zest of 1 orange

1/8 cup fresh rosemary chopped

1/8 cup fresh thyme chopped

1/8 cup fresh sage chopped

1/8 cup celery leaves chopped.

Mix it all up and rub on your bird. Under and over the skin and the inside of the cavity.

Quater your lime lemon and orange and stuff in your bird I also stuff some more celery leaves in there.

Toss on somce course kosher salt and pepper.

Bake as directed on the packaging. I’m a fan of the Reynolds Baking Bag method.

*Depending on the size of your bird you may or may not use all the butter. Or if you’re making a twenty pound turkey you may have to double it. I used this on a 13 pound bird at Thanksgiving and had plenty.